Source code for lib.vis

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
import config
import util
import igraph
from random import randint
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import lib.in_out.saver as saver
from numpy.random import normal
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy import stats
from numpy import genfromtxt
import glob

def plot_data (data, output_directory, output_file_name):
    x_data, y_data = (d for d in data)

    x = np.array(x_data)
    y = np.array(y_data)

    plt.plot(x, y, 'b-', label="Data")
    plt.savefig(output_directory + "/" + output_file_name + ".png")

[docs]def generate_probability_distribution(data): """ Normalises y coordinates, dividing it by sum of all entries of y coordiantes Args: data(list of list): list of list representation csv data (with 2 coordinates) Returns: x-coordinate (list) freq (list) normalised-y-coordinates """ if data: topRows = [int(x[1]) for x in data] total = sum(topRows) freq = [x/float(total) for x in topRows] return range(0, len(data)), freq else: print "ERROR generate_probability_distribution" return -1, -1
# FOR CL and RT anaylysis
[docs]def exponential_curve_fit_and_plot(data, output_directory, output_file_name): """ Fit to an expontial curve and draw the x-y data Args: data(list of list): list of list representation csv data (with 2 coordinates) output_drectory(str): location to save graph output_file_name(str): name of the image file to be saved Returns: a (int) : curve fit variable for the equation a * np.exp(-b * x) + c b (int) : curve fit variable for the equation a * np.exp(-b * x) + c c (int) : curve fit variable for the equation a * np.exp(-b * x) + c mse (int) : Mean Squared error from the fit """ x_pdf, y_pdf = generate_probability_distribution(data) if y_pdf != -1: x = np.array(x_pdf) y = np.array(y_pdf) popt, pcov = curve_fit(util.exponential_curve_func, x, y) [a, b, c] = popt mse = mean_squared_error(util.exponential_curve_func(x, *popt), y) if config.DEBUGGER: print "CURVE FIT", output_file_name, "|", a, b, c, "MSE =", mse plt.figure() plt.plot(x, y, 'b-', label="Data") plt.plot(x, util.exponential_curve_func(x, *popt), 'r-', label="Fitted Curve") axes = plt.gca() axes.set_xlim([0, 20]) axes.set_ylim([0, 1]) plt.legend() # saver.check_if_dir_exists(output_directory) plt.savefig(output_directory + "/" + output_file_name + ".png") plt.close() return [a, b, c, mse]
# Ignoring Initial Zeros in CRT
[docs]def exponential_curve_fit_and_plot_x_shifted(data, output_directory, output_file_name): """ Fit to an expontial curve and draw the x-y data Also ignores the the input untill first non-zero y-coordinate and shifts the graph along y axes untill that first non-zero entry Args: data(list of list): list of list representation csv data (with 2 coordinates) output_drectory(str): location to save graph output_file_name(str): name of the image file to be saved Returns: a (int) : curve fit variable for the equation a * np.exp(-b * x) + c b (int) : curve fit variable for the equation a * np.exp(-b * x) + c c (int) : curve fit variable for the equation a * np.exp(-b * x) + c first_non_zero_index (int): amount by which the graph is shifted along y axis mse (int) : Mean Squared error from the fit """ x_pdf, y_pdf = generate_probability_distribution(data) if y_pdf != -1: first_non_zero_index = -1 if filter(lambda x: x != 0, y_pdf): first_non_zero_index = y_pdf.index(filter(lambda x: x != 0, y_pdf)[0]) x = np.array(x_pdf[0: -1*first_non_zero_index]) y = np.array(y_pdf[first_non_zero_index:]) popt, pcov = curve_fit(util.exponential_curve_func, x, y) [a, b, c] = popt mse = mean_squared_error(util.exponential_curve_func(x, *popt), y) if config.DEBUGGER: print "CURVE FIT", output_file_name, "|", a, b, c, "x-shift =", first_non_zero_index, "MSE =", mse plt.figure() plt.plot(x, y, 'b-', label="Data") plt.plot(x, util.exponential_curve_func(x, *popt), 'r-', label="Fitted Curve") axes = plt.gca() # axes.set_xlim([0 ,20]) axes.set_ylim([0, 1]) plt.xticks(range(0, 20, 5), xrange(first_non_zero_index, len(x), 5), size='small') plt.legend() # saver.check_if_dir_exists(output_directory) plt.savefig(output_directory + "/" + output_file_name + ".png") plt.close() return [a, b, c, mse, first_non_zero_index]
[docs]def plot_infomap_igraph(i_graph, membership, output_directory, output_file_name, show_edges=True, aux_data=None): """ Plots the informap community generated by igraph Args: i_graph(object): igraph graph object membership(list): membership generated by infomap.community_infomap output_drectory(str): location to save graph output_file_name(str): name of the image file to be saved show_edges(bool): toggle to disable/enable edges during viz Returns: null """ if membership is not None: graph_copy = i_graph.copy() edges = [] edges_colors = [] for edge in if membership[edge.tuple[0]] != membership[edge.tuple[1]]: edges.append(edge) edges_colors.append("#55555520") # edges_colors.append("#00000000") else: edges_colors.append("#00000099") graph_copy.delete_edges(edges) layout = graph_copy.layout("kk")["color"] = edges_colors else: layout = i_graph.layout("kk")["color"] = "gray" visual_style = {} visual_style["vertex_label_dist"] = 0 visual_style["vertex_label_size"] = 18 if show_edges: visual_style["edge_color"] =["color"] else: visual_style["edge_color"] = "#00000000" visual_style["vertex_size"] = 32 visual_style["layout"] = layout visual_style["bbox"] = (1024, 768) visual_style["margin"] = 40 #visual_style["edge_label"] =["weight"] if visual_style["edge_width"] = igraph.rescale(['weight'], out_range=(1, 10)) for vertex in i_graph.vs(): vertex["label"] = vertex.index if membership is not None: colors = [] for i in range(0, max(membership)+1): colors.append('%06X' % randint(0, 0xFFFFFF)) for vertex in i_graph.vs(): vertex["vertex_shape"] = "circle" vertex["color"] = str('#') + colors[membership[vertex.index]] # coloring for channels vs users vertex["vertex_shape"] = "square" if (vertex["id"].isdigit() and int(vertex["id"]) >= 1000000) else "circle" # vertex["color"] = "red" if (vertex["id"].isdigit() and int(vertex["id"]) >= 1000000) else "#00ff00" if aux_data: if aux_data["type"] == "MULTI_CH": # ['#kubuntu-devel', '#kubuntu', '#ubuntu-devel'] color_nodes = ["#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff"] vertex["color"] = color_nodes[np.argmax(aux_data["uc_adj"][aux_data["user_hash"].index(vertex["id"])])] if not aux_data: visual_style["vertex_color"] = i_graph.vs["color"] visual_style["vertex_shape"] = i_graph.vs["vertex_shape"] saver.check_if_dir_exists(output_directory) igraph.plot(i_graph, (output_directory + "/" + output_file_name + ".png"), **visual_style) if config.DEBUGGER: print "INFOMAPS visualisation for", output_file_name, "completed"
[docs]def generate_log_plots(plot_data, output_directory, output_file_name): """ Generate log plots for given time frame Args: plot_data (list of list): data to be plotted output_drectory(str): location to save graph output_file_name(str): name of the image file to be saved Returns: slope : The slope of linear fit for the log plot. r_square : mean_sqaure_error : Mean sqaure error for best fit. """ sum_each_row = [] for row in plot_data[2:]: #ignore degree 0 and text, starting from degree 1 sum_each_row.append(row) x_axis_log = [math.log(i) for i in xrange(1, len(sum_each_row) + 1)] y_axis_log = [math.log(i) if i>0 else 0 for i in sum_each_row[0:] ] slope,intercept,r_square,mean_squared_error = calc_plot_linear_fit(x_axis_log, y_axis_log, output_directory, output_file_name) return slope,intercept,r_square,mean_squared_error
[docs]def calc_plot_linear_fit(x_in, y_in, output_directory, output_file_name): """ Calculate and plot linar fit for data Args: x_in (list of int): x_axis data y_in (list of int): y_axis data output_drectory(str): location to save graph output_file_name(str): name of the image file to be saved Returns: null """ # get x and y vectors if x_in and y_in: x = np.array(x_in) y = np.array(y_in) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x_in, y_in) line = [slope*xi+intercept for xi in x_in] print str(slope)+"\t"+str(intercept)+"\t"+str(r_value**2)+"\t"+str(mean_squared_error(y, line)) saver.check_if_dir_exists(output_directory) axes = plt.gca() axes.set_xlim([0, 3]) axes.set_ylim([0, 6]) plt.xlabel("log(degree)") plt.ylabel("log(no_of_nodes)") # fit with np.polyfit m, b = np.polyfit(x, y, 1) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.plot(x, m*x + b, '-') plt.legend(['Data', 'Fit'], loc='upper right') plt.savefig(output_directory+"/" + output_file_name+".png") plt.close() return slope,intercept,r_value**2,mean_squared_error(y, line) else: print "ERROR calc_plot_linear_fit" return -1, -1, -1, -1
[docs]def matplotlob_csv_heatmap_generator(csv_file, output_directory, output_file_name): """ Plots heatmaps for all the csv files in the given directory Can be used as a script for generating heatmaps, faster alternative to plotly Args: in_directory (str): location of input csv files output_drectory(str): location to save graph output_file_name(str): name of the image file to be saved Returns: null """ column_labels = map(str, range(1, 32)) row_labels = map(str, range(1, 49)) data = genfromtxt(csv_file, delimiter=',') print(data) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) heatmap = ax.pcolor(data, cbar = plt.colorbar(heatmap) def np_arrange_helper(data, disp): return np.arange(data) + disp # put the major ticks at the middle of each cell ax.set_xticks(np_arrange_helper(data.shape[0], 0.5), minor=False) ax.set_yticks(np_arrange_helper(data.shape[1], 0.5), minor=False) # want a more natural, table-like display ax.invert_yaxis() ax.xaxis.tick_top() ax.set_xticklabels(row_labels, minor=False) ax.set_yticklabels(column_labels, minor=False) plt.savefig(output_directory+"/" + output_file_name+".png") plt.close()
[docs]def box_plot(data, output_directory, output_file_name): """ Plots Box Plots Args: data (list): data output_drectory(str): location to save graph output_file_name(str): name of the image file to be saved Returns: null """ plt.figure() plt.boxplot(data) plt.legend() saver.check_if_dir_exists(output_directory) plt.savefig(output_directory + "/" + output_file_name + ".png") plt.close()