
My current research work is in the area of Cyber Physical Systems. I am part of DIGIT center at Aarhus University. HUBCAP and DIGITbrain are the two H2020 European Union projects that I participate in.

During 2018-20, I worked in the area of storage compression in distributed Internet of Things (IoT) applications.

My doctoral research is in the broad area of Network Science. My work is focused on structural transformations of multidimentional (multiplex) networks. In simple terms, I am interested in mathematical transformations of graphs with multiple edges between vertices. This research has applications in the domains of virtual networks, multi-modal transportation systems, and online social networks.

Interested readers can go through the following published material related to my doctoral thesis.

Research results of the prior and ongoing work are available on Publications page.

Previously, I worked with students in the areas of network measurements, transport networks and social networks. Details of these student projects are available on Projects page. Code for most of these projects is hosted on GitHub.